Roll Stability SupportRSS is a trailer mounted system that does NOT require the tractor to have a similar roll stability system. RSS works by itself to avoid roll overs.
The images at the right illustrate a test truck executing an avoidance maneuver - at the bottom with a roll stability system installed and functioning and, at the top, with that same RSS system turned off. You can also see the "outriggers" that have been installed on this trailer to avoid the inevitable roll over without RSS. ABS systems have been required on new trailers since 1998. Roll stability systems are the next logical step in guaranteeing safe trailer operation. Plaza is now a authorized installer of WABCO’s Roll Stability Support systems. In our repair shop we can retro-fit any trailer or any brand of anti-lock brakes (ABS) with the Meritor WABCO RSS system. |
Secure your cargo and avoid the risk of roll over by installing the Meritor WABCO RSSplus roll stability control system today. Follow this link for the Meritor WABCO brochure describing the “RSSplus”, the current version of their roll stability support system. See the video below highlighting the benefits of RSS. |
Demonstration of Trailer Roll Stability Support (RSS) on test track
Introduction to Meritor WABCO Stability Control
See this recent announcement about a major tank trailer manufacturer relying on the RSS system.